NT Build Annual Report 2008-09
Table of contents
- Objective of the report
- Letter of transmission
- Chairperson’s and Registrar’s report
- 2008-2009 Highlights
- 2009-2010 Priorities
- About the organisation
- General overview – portable long service leave scheme
- Key features
- Workers
- Employers
- Long service levy
- Statistical highlights
- Workers
- Employers
- Levy payment and compliance
- Debt recovery
- Investment of funds
- Actuarial advice
- Long service leave liability
- Section 91 actuarial review
- The Board
- Functions and powers
- Membership
- Conducting business
- The Office
- Registrar
- Staff
- Organisation chart
- Information management
- Communication and marketing
- Insurance and risk management
- Financial Statements for year ended 30 June 2009
- Board members’ declaration
- Independent auditor’s report
- Income statement
- Balance sheet
- Statement of changes in equity
- Cash flow statement
- Notes to and forming part of the financial statements
ISSN 1834-1888 [Print version]
ISSN 1834-190X [Online version]